Here’s the mid December update I promised.
Are you ready for Council of Light?
If yes, it is officially in preorder on Amazon now with a release date of January 28, 2025. Why that date? Well, we have the holidays and I have an exciting trip from the 14th - 19th that includes 3 days at the Hope*Story Conference.
Sign up at
I need both ARC readers who will do reviews and people who will share the book via socials and newsletter. You can select which you can do or both. I have a plan for weekly posts you can share in January. If you want to do more, that is up to you. Also chat it up with friends you know who will like it.
Once you sign up, I’ll share a link to where you can get the file. I am working on having that ready before Christmas. The folder with all the fun launch graphics, blurbs, expectations and other fun things should be ready around the start of the year.
I just received the paperback cover today, so that is processing through Amazon now and my proof copy is ordered.
You can check out the book on Amazon.
Wonderland Winter Give Away
I forgot to mention this in the prior newsletter, but you still have until the end of the year to join in and see if you win books from myself and eight other authors. These are a variety of speculative fiction. I’ve read a few of them and I need to make sure I add the ones I have read to the book reviews here. I so skipped out on book reviews, though I also wound up reading way slower due to all the editing going on. It’s hard for me to read a lot when in deep edit mode.
Other Happenings
I have a few things that will revolve around my coaching and the conference in January. For one, I will be setup in the Coach’s Corner and have a few more things to figure out on what I need for that. Second, I’m a leader of a small group that will meet on Zoom prior to the conference and maybe at least once after. From there, they can stay in contact in multiple ways. This is a new thing they are doing around the conference, but I like it because it helps build community and gives attendees deeper support.
On the writing side, I have a short story idea that might work for an anthology I have to figure out. This will entail research sent that goes with the anthology, plus some digging into Irish history. This is where my writing side will go over the holidays, though I will do some tweaking to Cyborg Claude for my fun serial I will release here starting in January.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Expect a full December wrap up just after the New Year.