Image by Tanja Schwarz from Pixabay
November proved to be a fun but challenging month. All the writing side has been fun. Yes, I find digging through beta reader feedback and editing, aka rewriting, an exercise I relish. It always helps improve my writing.
A major life change came about this month with my husband finally deciding to retire entirely. Thanksgiving week was his last week at the job. There is always stress and wondering if the right choice was made doing something this big. It also made this last week of the month interesting for my writing because now he can pop in and hang around the den at any time. It’s not bad, but sometimes I admit it is distracting.
To assist in a shift of income, I also had a great opportunity to go lifetime on some products I use with their holiday sales. Now I have my recurring costs cut down to a manageable level per year. This year was pretty much the startup year and his job helped cover the cost until things kick in as I keep working on producing the stories within me. Who knows what fun can happen in 2024 to widen the opportunities? Something always comes up.
I thank all of my beta readers for fabulous feedback and work in October on Truth Bearer. I’ve enjoyed the editing that ensued from your efforts.
Book Reviews
I started a book review section last month. I have added two more for November. I’m chuckling because I seem to be on a classic or fairy tale retelling bent with my reading and the book launches I have helped with. Nothing wrong with that, but I usually wander all over the place in my reading. I have one that will not be a retelling coming soon, but I learned of her other works through her retelling of Oliver Twist in the fantasy series, A Classic Retold. I’m looking forward to diving into Jenelle Leanna Schmidt’s advanced reader copy for her January release of Mantles of Oak and Iron. Look for the review of Steal the Morrow in the next few days, a week tops, and the other will be closer to Christmas with how my reading schedule is going.
From A Classic Retold, I finished and reviewed Break the Beast by Allison Tebo. Follow the link attached to the book title to find the book on Amazon. I enjoyed this retelling of Beowulf from the point of view of Grendel. I honestly was not sure what to think when I started reading. However, I love how the story progressed and wove a fine tale of redemption and the acceptance of forgiveness. Read my full review.
I jumped on an advanced reader opportunity for one of the Once Upon a Prince series that is in the process of coming out weekly through the holidays. I read The Silent Prince by C. J. Brightley. Follow the link attached to the title to find it on Amazon. This was a fun gender twist on the tale of the Little Mermaid. Kaerius is an impetuous and self-centered Mer prince with an amazing voice and athletic warrior prowess. But he becomes a definite fish out of water when he trades his voice to the Lord of the Deep to become human so he can woo a human princess he once saved and longs for. This retelling should hit home with younger male readers and would be a great Christmas present since it just came out on Black Friday. Read my full review.
December Plans
I’m already halfway through a read aloud to myself edit of Truth Bearer this week. I finished all the in line comment edits the day before Thanksgiving. In this read through, I am also working on some general overall responses from my beta readers. I expect to have this done next week. Then I’ll work on having the computer read it to me while I follow along for the final pass. The plan is to have the final polishing edits done by Christmas.
The book formatting should be done at the beginning of January. I use Atticus since I do all my work on a PC. They’ve updated a few things since my first book that I hope will help with page headers. That and getting my copyright page to come out correctly took the longest. At least, I have a template set up to use to help with consistency as well. The expectation is to have my print cover designed in January in time for a mid to late February release date.
I pray you all had a great Thanksgiving and have a Merry Christmas. My next update will be posted after the New Year. However, check out Tales of Karnum and Beyond for upcoming reviews mentioned and who knows, I might have a short story to share depending on how editing goes. I have ideas rumbling around that would go with my Light Series. These will be linked in December’s wrap up in case the holidays keep you busy.